Monday, June 25, 2012

The Heavens Declare His Glory

I am sure as you look to the sky you can feel so awefully small comparing yourself to the vastness of the expanse of the heavens. Just by looking at the stretch of the clear blue sky you and I will become like a little ant in the Amazon jungle or little Singapore the tiny dot on the globe surrounded by the giants of continents.

Glancing a little lower you can see the mighty clouds whatever names have been given them, one could also be overwhelmed by these giants sometimes hovering across the sky. They are like the little big army soldiers sent by the heavenlies to stand guard and watch over the earthlings.

What thoughts come to your mind when you view the skies?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Minced Meat Noodles

Try out this minced meat noodles from the stall at Queenstown MRT. It is quite conveniently located.